Board of Directors Positions

Both our Baseball/Softball and Soccer boards are recruiting new members. Open positions listed below.

Hopp Stop (Snack Shack) Committee
This committee is looking to add 2-3 new parents to help share the load. To start, you would be fully trained in the Hopp Stop operations. Then you would cover one shift a week as the adult on duty. While on duty you would help the teen workers to open, trouble shoot during the shift, and closing at the end of the evening. Often our parents are able to be at the fields and enjoy their child's game but be accessible via cell for questions from our workers.

  • Approximately 3-4 hours a week from May to October

Division Director/Coach Selection

Securing coaches, assemble teams for a single division including managing player assignment requests, enter teams into system, communicate with coaches: (final rosters, equipment distribution, uniform distribution, division rules, important dates, awards information), and run a welcome meeting.  Then trouble shoot any questions during the season.

  • Approximately 20 hour commitment spread out from April to August.

Event Planner - Opening Day/Awards Day

Arrange and organize player’s participation in parade, opening day activities, and awards presentation at fields.

  • Approximately 15 hour commitment at various times

Fundraising/Grant Writer

As a not for profit organization we are always exploring fundraising opportunities, we are open to any ideas. Also in our relationship with Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken we are eligible for grants and other funding programs. Unfortunately as a 100% volunteer board we have never found a member who can help us explore these opportunities.

  • Approximately 15 hour commitment at various times during the season


Edit forms, arrange copying and distribution, arrange in-person registration days, input forms as needed.

  • Approximately 20 hour commitment spread out from January to May